Monday, October 31, 2016

UCSB Freshman Seminar “What is computing?”, Fall 2016

Some questions posted by the class after Lecture 5, October 25, 2016

  • If memory in a computer was not finite (i.e not a fixed number) would any of these problems remain unsolvable?
  • In the traveling salesman example, could that problem actually not be solved, or is it just an example?
  • I was left wondering if our knowledge of the limitations of computing could be altered by new discoveries in physics.
  • Does the fact that Turing machine is unable to solve first type of questions imply that human's thinking process is more complicated and more capable than a Turing machine? (Because human can prove math theorem)
  • Is the Traveling Salesman Problem a physical/technological limitation, given that it deals with speed, time, and efficiency? If not, why?
  • Is there a limit to processing speed in computers--if any?
  • What do you mean by unsolvable problems in computing and do you think these problems could eventually be solved with the future advancements in technology?  
  • To what extent in the medical field is it possible for computers to replace doctors? Some people say that computers can replace doctors completely, for diagnosis, prognosis and for surgical reasons. What would happen if computers replaced doctors?
  • What are some other common examples of problems computers can not be programmed to do?
  • Are there more limits to computers and computing? Is there a way to speed up the amount of time it takes for a computer to run through problems?
  • How can software and hardware limit the efficiency of a computer?
  • How can the computers today be improved to be more efficient and run faster?
  • Are these limitations because of computers or computing as a concept?
  • As our processors speed up, and things can be computed faster, will the scaling problem become less and less - if still always slightly - relevant?
  • I am curious about the theoretical implications of being able to build a computer with planck length signal transfer distances. In what most fundamental ways do the computational limits of a quantum computer differ from that of a 'classical' computer?
  • What are some other decision problems which computer programs can't solve?

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