Monday, November 7, 2016

UCSB Freshman Seminar “What is computing?”, Fall 2016

Some questions posted by the class after Lecture 6, November 1, 2016

  • How do people figure out how to make computers more efficient? 
  • How far can artificial intelligence integrate into human society? What exactly are supercomputers?
  • How can we know whether a problem is solvable or not? Won't there be problems that actually can be solved but just no one has thought about a solution?
  • If there are fundamental limitations, what is computing defined as exactly?
  • I found that the Traveling Salesman Problem seems very similar to the subject of minimum spanning trees.What differentiates the two such that MSTs are more “compatible” with computing?
  • Which jobs are becoming extinct because of computers?
  • What’s a real life example of Moore’s Law?
  • What are the differences between technological and physical limitations? 
  • What amount of time makes a program not impossible but unfeasible? Are there other hardware limitations which do not have to do with time?
  • In general cases, is it impossible to write a program to prove or disprove claims about an infinite set? Does this suggests computer lack the capacity of abstraction?
  • With the development of artificial intelligence, which has the ability to learn, would computers be able to perform the jobs doctors do eventually?
  • Is every living being technically a biological computer?
  • What can we define as a biological computer?
  • Is there a law/rule that you can use that will determine if a particular problem can be solved through computing?
  • What is a proposed alternative to the turing machine?

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